Resources 4 Research

One Step at a Time

The first step when researching a new topic is to find general information: therefore ForestKnowledge provides links to material, where students can study on their own and teachers can get ideas for their curriculum.

Choosing a course to study is rarely easy and there are many factors to consider. If you are interested in forests science, management or conservation, check out this list of Australian Universities.

There are many research institutions, which publish their research to forests and related matters in different well-renown journals. We established a map of the Top 100 research institutions worldwide (according to their number of journal publications). If you are interested in reading up on research publications, have a look at the list of journals, which are ranked top of their field.

Science and Research is always connected with a certain terminology which can be difficult to understand. That’s why ForestKnowledge provides short explanations of the most common keywords. This list is still growing and probably never exhaustive, therefore we are happy to hear your suggestions for further terms via our contact form.